Alecia Rumrill – Instructor

Alecia Rumrill – Instructor

Alecia Rumrill grew up dancing at her hometown studio in La Junta, Colorado. As soon as she stepped onto the dance floor, she knew she was where she belonged. After high school, she pursued her dance education at Anderson University, receiving her BA in Dance Pedagogy. While in school she received awards for excellence in pedagogy as well as professionalism and was given the opportunity to perform with professional companies such as Gregory Hancock Dance Theatre in their production of Exodus.
Alecia Loves ballet with her whole heart but has enjoyed learning and teaching other exciting styles such as jazz and contemporary. She has found her passion in teaching students of all ages to find the same joy she has through their own dance journey. She loves the way dance includes everyone and allows them to communicate and express their emotions without saying a word. In her free time, she also enjoys crafts, baking and reading every book she can get her hands on.